The exhibition organized by KeileCollectief HOE WILLEN WIJ WERKEN M4H 2030 is now open to the public. Studio Iza Słodka contributes with the project “Productive Commons” about 4 possible interventions in Keilekwartier.
(more…)Izabela Słodka presented the idea for Loven made for Ministerie van Maak during the Bouwstof event in Centrum voor Architectuur en Stedebouw Tilburg (CAST).
(more…)In the first week of November we were invited to join Europan Europe Forum and workshop in Clermont Ferrand, France.
(more…)In autumn 2022 we joined Ministerie van Maak with densification proposal for Loven in Tilburg.
(more…)In March 2022 we visited Klagenfurt in Austria, where we were invited to attend a prize ceremony and an exhibition opening of the winning projects in the Europan 16 competition.
(more…)Makers’ Maze project is a part of the exhibition organized by Keilecollectief about past and future studies of M4H area.
(more…)Physical model of the Makers’ Maze project for Vierhavensblok in M4H is part of the exhibition Undercurrent — festivalhart of the Rotterdam Architecture Month 2021.
(more…)Izabela Slodka joined lunch conversation with Thijs van Spaandonk (IABR) and Isabelle Vries (Gemeente Rotterdam) to talk about the future of M4H and an idea of compact city.
(more…)Together with office Dividual and AIR Rotterdam we invited guests from Berlin and Rotterdam to talk about mixed-use typologies for urban manufacturing.
(more…)Together with COFO Architects, office h3o and AIR Rotterdam we organized an online webinar for Stadmakerscongres 2020 about Rotterdam West.